Sunday, March 19, 2017

Social Stigma Of Dowry System

In the good old days dowry comprised the number of voluntary gifts or donations given by the parents and relatives of bride to the bridegroom so that the newly wed couple could settle their home.

It was considered as a partial fulfillment of needs required during early part of marital life. But the concept of dowry has undergone a drastic changes. The gifts witch used to be given on voluntary basis to the bride are demanded on a huge scale by the groom.

The parents of bride are compelled to fulfill the enormous necessities, amenities and luxuries. The solemn and happy occasion of marriage has now been changed to ritual of spendthrift and costly compulsion. The menace of dowry has greatly harmed its sanctity of union of two souls.

The present form of dowry system seems to have evolved due to increasing trend of materialism and the greedy nature of modern man . The lust to acquire money through easy methods seem to increase the trend and quantum of dowry.

It has not only become the custom of the rich but the poor are also expected to follow similar traditions. The plite of the have-nots is precarious. They are compelled to borrow, beg or steal to fulfill the demands of in-laws of their daughter.

The dowry system has turned to be a social stigma mainly due to moral degradation and downfall in spiritual values. The ill effects of this evil are evident on our society and some of these attract our attention which need immediate remedial measures.

Remedial measures :-

  • Dowry system has greatly damaged the social status of women and degraded the high sounding tradition of our country.

  • The marriages seem to have because commercial bargains. The bride and grooms of different castes, status and ranks are bought with specific prices. Doctors, engineers , officers , armed force personals etc have their own values.

  • Dowry system breeds corruption, bribery and crimes.

  • Maltreatment of brides with the family of in laws. The girls are sometimes harassed of tortured to the extent of their taking extreme stop of compelled suicide .

  • The heinous crime of bride burning is also in the news.

  • Certain cases of suicides are observed when the parents of their girls are unable to reach to the expectations of bride groom’s family.

  • Prenatal abortion of female child also seems to be the root cause of the increasing levels of dowry.

  • Unhappy family life has ruined the amicable relations.

  • Increasing cases of divorce due to increasing hatred and frustration.

  • Many girls are unable to find their life partner due to insufficient arrangement of dowry.

  • Sometimes, the girl of high physical, mental and educational status has to marry a groom of relatively lower status. This breeds quarrels and ultimate separation.

With the passage of time, the right thinking persons have come to realize that if this evil menace is not checked, it is likely to engulf the very social system of harmonious matrimony.

A few reliable methods are suggested to end the monster of dowry system :-

  • Provide equal status to the women in our society and thus revive the age old tradition of due regards and high esteem to the ladies.

  • Consider marriage as a sacred ceremony that involves union of two souls.

  • Revive the moral values of respect and love among the families of bride and bridegroom.

  • Follow the guidelines and sermons of holy saints who always preach for love and amity for each other , harmony in the family, shun the greed for wealth, try to live on the self-earned income. The saints clearly explain that taking or giving dowry is not only a social evil but also a personal sin. Any attempt to tease or hurt the feelings of fellow beings brings moral degradation which becomes hinderance in spiritual emancipation.

  • The system of simple marriage (without dowry) is totally implemented at Dera Sacha Sauda with blessings of His Holiness Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan.

  • Development of strong will power among the youth to give or accept dowry can play an important role. Many cases have been reported where the prospective brides have refused to marry particular persons who intend to demand dowry. Such praiseworthy determination should be encouraged and given proper coverage in the newspapers.

  • The dowry prohibition act has been promulgated since 1961. The law should be implemented in true sense and spirit. It should be modified and amended according to the present circumstances to deal strictly with the offenders.

  • Social organizations should launch a massive campaign to bye-cot the menace of dowry system.

  • The girls should adopt to the job oriented courses of education. They should try to be self reliant and independent in their earnings.

  • Boys & Girls should be educated to lead a life of dignity blended with love for younger and respect for elders.

Therefore, joint, collective, concerted and determined efforts of the parents, youth, social organizations, and kind blessings of saints the government can bring culmination of the dreaded menace of Dowry system. It is sincerely hoped that the coming generation shall live happily by putting an end to this social stigma

Friday, March 17, 2017

Introduction to Demonetization in India and Its Status

Introduction to Demonetization in India and Its Status

So, what the demonetization? As per “Investopedia“, a demonetization is an act of removing the legal status of currency as “Legal Tender”. Means old notes or even coins must be retired and replaced with new ones or completely new currency can be introduced like Rs. 2000 note which was not available earlier.

On 8th November, PM Modi’s announcement was the breaking news across India. Rs.500 and Rs. 1000 notes (currency) are made illegal from a stroke of midnight. One might think, why it’s been done? Indian government’s goal was to remove all counterfeit (fake) currency from the market which is used in tax evasion, corruption and even in funding terrorist activities. These two currency notes are the most used currency in the Indian market, it had 86% share in the market. This was a very big and risky decision and as some aptly said it is a “Masterstroke“. Some even say it is a “Surgical Attack” on black money. In simple words, old Rs 500 and Rs. 1000 notes are worthless now, they are just a piece of paper.

The opposite of demonetization is remonetisation, which means restoring the demonetized currency as legal tender. And a lot of political parties from the opposition are fighting for it.

Impact of demonetization within India and foreign Relations

Demonetization has a big impact on Indian market and citizens like you and me. People flocked the banks to changed their currency and stood in long lines in front of bank and ATMs for hours to draw their money. Surely, we have problems in but we also need to understand the importance of it. Just imagine if it was told a month ago, then all black money launderers could have managed their money in this or that form. That’s why it has to be a sudden and surprise act.


To sum up everything, I would say; demonetization was a really a masterstroke. It will help in fighting against corruption, black money, and tax evasion. I as Indian stand strongly behind this move. Though all good said about this, I think the way it was planned and handled could have been better. Otherwise, I support the demonetization.

Clean India Mission Essay

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is started by the government to make India a completely clean India. Clean India was a dream seen by the Mahatma Gandhi regarding which he said that, “Sanitation is more important than Independence”. During his time he was well aware of the poor and dirty condition of the country that’s why he made various efforts to complete his dream however could not be successful. As he dreamt of clean India a day, he said that both cleanliness and sanitation are integral parts of healthy and peaceful living. Unfortunately, India became lack of cleanliness and sanitation even after 67 years of independence. According to the statistics, it has seen that only few percentage of total population have access to the toilets. It is a programme run by the government to seriously work to fulfill the vision of Father of Nation (Bapu) by calling the people from all walks of life to make it successful globally.
This mission has to be completed by 150th birth anniversary of Bapu (2nd October of 2019) in next five years (from the launch date). It is urged by the government to people to spend their only 100 hours of the year towards cleanliness in their surrounding areas or other places of India to really make it a successful campaign. There are various implementation policies and mechanisms for the programme including three important phases such as planning phase, implementation phase and sustainability phase.
What is Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a national cleanliness campaign established by the Government of India. This campaign is covering 4041 statutory towns in order to clean roads, streets, and infrastructure of the India. It is a mass movement has run to create a Clean India by 2019. It is a step ahead to the Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of swachh Bharat for healthy and prosperous life. This mission was launched on 2nd of October 2014 (145th birth anniversary of Bapu) by targeting its completeness in 2019 on 150th birth anniversary of Bapu. The mission has been implemented to cover all the rural and urban areas of the India under the Ministry of Urban Development and the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation accordingly.
The first cleanliness drive (on 25th of September 2014) of this mission was started by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi earlier to its launch. This mission has targeted to solve the sanitation problems as well as better waste management all over the India by creating sanitation facilities to all.
Need of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
Swachh Bharat mission is very necessary to run continuously in India until it gets its goal. It is very essential for the people in India to really get the feeling of physical, mental, social and intellectual well being. It is to make living status advance in India in real means which can be started by bringing all over cleanliness. Below I have mentioned some points proving the urgent need of swachh bharat abhiyan in India:

  • It is really very essential to eliminate the open defecation in India as well as making available toilets facility to everyone.

  • It is needed in India to convert the insanitary toilets into flushing toilets.

  • It is necessary in order to eradicate the manual scavenging system.

  • It is to implement the proper waste management through the scientific processes, hygienic disposal, reuse, and recycling of the municipal solid wastes.

  • It is to bring behavioral changes among Indian people regarding maintenance of personal hygiene and practice of healthy sanitation methods.

  • It is to create global awareness among common public living in rural areas and link it to the public health.

  • It is to support working bodies to design, execute and operate the waste disposal systems locally.

  • It is to bring private-sector participation to develop sanitary facilities all through the India.

  • It is to make India a clean and green India.

  • It is necessary to improve the quality of life of people in rural areas.

  • It is to bring sustainable sanitation practices by motivating communities and Panchayati Raj Institutions through the awareness programmes like health education.

  • It is to bring the dream of Bapu to really come true.

Swachh Bharat Mission in Urban Areas
The swachh bharat mission of urban areas aims to cover almost 1.04 crore households in order to provide them 2.6 lakhs of public toilets, 2.5 lakhs of community toilets together with the solid wastes management in every town. Community toilets have been planned to be built in the residential areas where availability of individual household toilets is difficult and public toilets at designated locations including bus stations, tourist places, railway stations, markets, etc. Cleanliness programme in the urban areas (around 4,401 towns) have been planned to be completed over five years till 2019. The costs of programmes are set like Rs 7,366 crore on solid waste management, Rs 1,828 crore on public awareness, Rs 655 crore on community toilets, Rs 4,165 crore on individual household toilets, etc. Programmes which have been targeted to be completed are complete removal of open defecation, converting unsanitary toilets into flush toilets, eradicating manual scavenging, bring behavioral changes among public, and solid waste management.
Gramin Swachh Bharat Mission
Gramin swachh bharat mission is a mission implementing cleanliness programmes in the rural areas. Earlier the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (also called Total Sanitation campaign, TSC) was established by the Government of India in 1999 to make rural areas clean however now it has been restructured into the Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin). This campaign is aimed to make rural areas free of open defecation till 2019 for which the cost has been estimated is one lakh thirty four thousand crore rupees for constructing approximately 11 crore 11 lakh toilets in the country. There is a big plan of converting waste into bio-fertilizer and useful energy forms. This mission involves the participation of gram panchayat, panchayat samiti and Zila Parishad. Following are the objectives of Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin):

  • To improve quality of life of people living in the rural areas.

  • Motivate people to maintain sanitation in rural areas to complete the vision of Swachh Bharat by 2019.

  • To motivate local working bodies (such as communities, Panchayati Raj Institutions, etc) to make available the required sustainable sanitation facilities.

  • Develop advance environmental sanitation systems manageable by the community especially to focus on solid and liquid waste management in the rural areas.

  • To promote ecologically safe and sustainable sanitation in the rural areas.

Swachh Bharat-Swachh Vidyalaya Campaign
The swachh bharat swachh vidyalaya campaign runs by the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development having same objectives of cleanliness in the schools. A big programme was organized under it from 25th of September 2014 to 31st of October 2014 in the Kendriya Vidyalays and Navodaya Vidyalya Sangathans where lots of cleanliness activities were held such as discussion over various cleanliness aspects in the school assembly by the students, teachings of Mahatma Gandhi related to cleanliness, cleanliness and hygiene topics, cleaning activities (in the class rooms, libraries, laboratories, kitchen sheds stores, playgrounds, gardens, toilets, pantry areas, etc), cleaning of statue in the school area, speech over the contribution of great people, essay writing competition, debates, art, painting, film, shows, role plays related to hygiene including other many activities on cleanliness and hygiene. It has also been planned to held half an hour cleaning campaign in the schools twice a week involving the cleanliness activities by the teachers, students, parents and community members.
We can say swachh bharat abhiyan, a nice welcome step to the clean and green India till 2019. As we all heard about the most famous proverb that “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness”, we can say surely that clean India campaign (swachh bharat abhiyan) will really bring godliness all over the country in few years if it is followed by the people of India in effective manner. So, the cleanliness activities to warm welcome the godliness have been started but do not need to be ended if we really want godliness in our lives forever. A healthy country and a healthy society need its citizens to be healthy and clean in every walk of life.

Save The Indian National Animal(Tiger) Essay

India is a Land of animals and Tiger is our National Animal.India is currently projecting itself to the world for the progress and revenue generation.But we as an human being were not even bothered about what is needed for wild life and conservation of wild animals.Current status of Tigers left is around 1400 and we are the one who is responsible. Decreasing numbers in tigers population has made a serious challenge for their survival.Conservation is needed for tigers so that national reserves will come forwards and safe guard their natural habitat. The article is dedicated for the survival of Tigers, the process to help and save our tigers which have only reserve left for their survival.India is a land where most of animal use to live in jungle and do to increase in population there is no forest left for animals to stay.Land is turned into industries for globalization and in turn land cannot be used for other purpose. As major part of Land is occupied for construction and agriculture, then half is covered form sea only left some of the Land is for animals.we have crossed our boundaries and cut down major forest areas and we want our lives to be settled in big buildings and apartments. Tigers are our national animals then why we were not thinking about them before as we have reached to end of a road and want to save them.The reserve where tigers are preserved are Ranthambore, Corbett, Kanha, Bandhavgarh.Others are also there but population is less there for Tigers. Save the tigers will help our tigers to be preserved India and will helping hands so please start blogging, write articles and help save the tigers.

Ways to preserve Tigers can be:

  1. Plant more trees.

  2. Conserve Rain Waters in terms of rain water harvesting.

  3. Preserve forest areas and human beings not to enter forest.

  4. Control Pollution and population.

  5. Try to save food and do not waste as food is major problem of land conversation into agriculture. Major problem in today's world is no body want to save others as their time is reserved for growth and increments in their daily life.Think about others so that this world can become a peaceful place to live.
