Saturday, March 21, 2015

Cell phone — a boon or a bane?


The ubiquitous cell phone is a wonderful invention of technology, making our lives comfortable and happy. It has broken the barriers of communication and enabled us to establish contacts with the people all across the world like never before. From what it was initially — a luxury available only for the rich/high profile people — it has transformed itself into a necessity over the years for the common man. Its portability, sleek design with many features and affordability has made it an indispensable gadget for everyone to have it in their pocket. Recently, when I was taking a class, my cell phone was ringing repeatedly to the point of frustration till I lifted it only to find that it was an ad call asking me to select my favourite ring tone. Because of this interruption, the rhythm of the entire class was lost. Though the benefits of cell phone are many, it has really made our lives more hectic and sometimes frenzied.
Loss of personal time

It seems as if the word ‘privacy’ has lost its meaning. Unwanted calls from insurance companies, banks, etc, soliciting to take insurance policies/personal loans are irksome. This is only a tip of the iceberg. With a host of new features like camera, voice recorder, etc, available in cell phones, people are susceptible to temptation to indulge in undesirable activities and uploading objectionable material on the Internet for vicarious pleasure. It may be worthwhile to recall that considering its ill effects on the student community, some colleges in our country framed certain guidelines for students where one is not supposed to use cell phones in the college campus. It is a moot question whether using cell phones for a longer time is a potential health hazard. Reports suggest that longer use of cell phone may result in cancer due to electro magnetic radiation. Incidents of cell phone explosions are not new. Despite instructions, the incidents of road accidents while speaking on the cell phone are also increasing. It has come in handy for pickpockets to carry out their jobs with ease and comfort. While people are busy talking over cell phones oblivious to the surroundings, criminals find it much easier to get away.
A new crop of fads

Selecting a ring tone and letting others know about it has become a fashion statement. They are quite unaware of the sound pollution they are creating. Initially it looked as if the cell phone would revolutionise the process of communication; but now it has become a source of stress as well. With many companies giving alluring offers to raise their customer base, people are becoming easy prey to them while disregarding the possible health hazards.
As the technology becomes cheaper and accessible, its usage by a large number of people, including children, is bound to increase. While the cell phone has proved to be useful during emergencies, its misuse seems to be on the increase.
We are enjoying lives king size due to technological advancements but technology intrudes in our lives to increase stress levels and cause health hazards.

Short essay on village life in India


India is basically an agricultural country and therefore its maximum population lives in villages. Indian villages are generally cut off from the cities and towns and we notice a completely different life there the charms of nature an "of life can be fully enjoyed in the villages because they (villages) are far from the hustle and bustle and worry of the city life. It is in these villages that our country's most basic business agriculture takes place.

The villagers lead a very simple life. Living in the midst of natural surrounding they enjoy the beauty of the sun rising and sun setting and feel soothing effect of the sweet-breeze of day dawn. Cattle lowing, birds singing, the flowing of the rivers, the greenery of the fields all adds charm to the surrounding.

In villages we find purity of everything. There is no smoke, no pollution, and no noise. A wonderful peace can be felt as soon as we enter the village. Fresh air, which we never find while living in cities, is abundantly available to the villagers. Perhaps therefore they are so happy and healthy. They eat simple food in which pure ghee and milk are dominant.

Most of the people who live in villages are farmers who till the soil and supply the needs of the other villagers like priests, carpenters, blacksmiths, barbers, weavers, potters, sweepers, etc. Spinning and weaving are one of the most important cottage industries of a village.

They serve to provide farmers with an additional income. Besides this, some people keep shops and provide the necessities of life of the villages. Thus, we find mutual cooperation and understanding among the villagers. Far from the complexities of the city life, these villages maintain a unique bond of love and affection. Their life is so simple and plain that they never go against humanity.

The villagers are deeply religious and worship several gods and goddesses. They are highly orthodox and superstitious. They like to follow the established rules throughout their life and never welcome any change in it.

In the cities, people hardly care for their neighbours. But m villages, we notice a strong social sense everywhere. The guest of one is considered the guest of all. There is interdependence among all the villagers and therefore they share the joys and sorrows of each other. They have faith in vasudhaiva kutumbkum, which is the essence of Indian culture.

This is the one side of the village life, which seems to be very tempting. But the other side is full of drawbacks. The villagers are still struggling with poverty. They don't have proper

Uses to live in they are ill-fed and their children are the victims of malnutrition. Most the villagers are illiterate and therefore they look least bothered for their children's education. They are so poor that they are bound to live in extremely unhygienic conditions. Most of the villagers lack proper arrangement for treatment of the sick. As a result whenever infectious diseases break out, thousands of villagers die in absence of medical aid.

However, many positve changes have taken place in our villages and we can hope for the better in the years to come.

Short Paragraph for kids on a Visit to a Zoo


Zoo is a place where different animals and birds are kept. Zoo is a great attraction for children. Last Sunday I went to see the zoo with my parents. It is situated at Purana Qila in New Delhi. We bought the tickets and went inside. Many people had already come to see the animals and birds. First of all, we saw a lion. It was grand and royal. Then we saw some tigers. Then we went to the enclosures of leopards, elephants, bears and foxes. Then we went to see the monkeys and some birds. The monkeys were jumping from one branch of the tree to another. Some monkeys were eating bananas. The birds in the zoo were very beautiful. I was very happy to see the birds. I saw some birds for the first time. Then we moved to a tank. It was full of crocodiles. We also saw some other water birds like ducks and cranes. We then saw snakes such as pythons and cobras. We spent six hours in the zoo and then came back. We enjoyed a lot in the zoo.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Essay on Cleanliness



Cleanliness is one of the good qualities. It is a part of our civilization. A man of dirty habits is far from civilization. So, with the progress of civilization man cleans himself more and more. He cleans his body. He cleans his mind and heart. He cleans all his action and manners. he cleans his soul. This will lead him to the highest form of civilization. But on the cleanliness of body, depend all other cleanings. Hence, cleanliness is considered so important.


If we clean our bodies and limbs we will be free form many kinds of disease. Clean food cooked in the clean pot and served in the clean dishes, will give us health and happiness. If we clean our bodies regularly, our complexion will be brighter. We will look fit and smart. If we wear clean dress our mind will be happy. Cleanliness gives us a cheerful mind. We are more interested to write on a clean khata than on a dirty one. Hence, we write more and better. We like to read clean books. Hence, we read more and understand better. So, cleanliness brings us progress and improvement in all fields of activities and in all spheres of life. By cleanliness of body and limbs, cleanliness of all our articles of use, cleanliness of our dwellings and soul, we gradually move towards divinity. Hence, there is saying. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness".

How to keep clean:

In order to keep ourselves neat and clean, we should properly take daily care of ourselves, of our articles of use, of our dwellings and surroundings and of our neighborhood. We should clean our teeth and tongues two times a day in the morning and before going to bed. Beside, we should clean our mouth properly before and after each meal and each tiffin. We should was our bodies two times a day with soap and water. We should clean our cloth and shirts with washing soap everyday at the time of bath. We should sweep our house off all dirts. We should remove the filth and rubbish into a pit, dug out at a distance for this purpose. We should clean our beddings and lay them exposed to sun and air. We should look to the proper drainage and sanitation work of our house and the surrounding. We should wash our house and furniture with soda and water once a week. We should advice our neighbors to be neat and clean. Because we cannot be perfectly clean, if our neighbors are dirty. We should wash our latrines and urinals everyday with dettol and phenyl. We should get our hair cut and our nails pared at proper intervals. These are some important to keep ourselves neat and clean.


it is really a matter of sorrow that most of our students are dirty. It is very sorrowful when we think that they keep dirty. Though they read science and hygiene. To make our countrymen neat and clean we should put ideals in the public institutions. So, our students should learn to keep themselves clean regularly.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Short Essay on the Value of Time


There is a saying “Time and tide waits for none”. The saying is indeed true. Time waits for none. It comes and goes. Time is absolutely unbound able. Neither money nor position can buy it. Nothing on earth can subdue or conquer it.

The most remarkable feature of time is its preciousness. Its value is unfathomable and its power is inestimable. Its potential is something which we cannot calculate. A minute is enough to win a victory. A second is enough to make you the richest man in the world. A fraction of a sec­ond can make a difference between life and death.

Every moment brings with it thousands of golden opportunities. Every minute is a store-house of ‘chances’. Therefore, we must not allow such precious time to slip away. If we do so, we allow those golden opportunities and chances to slip away too.

As we go through life, we realise for ourselves that, if there is anything in the world which will never come back,
it is time. Once time crosses into the threshold of the past, it never again returns to the ‘present’. Those who have realised this basic truth of life, never allow time to pass away unused. To utilise time fruitfully, we must take concrete steps as to how we are going to use it and what we are going to do with it.

Until and unless we set up a time-table for ourselves and make a general division of time for the various tasks and jobs at our hand, time will keep slipping away with its golden opportunities unnoticed. Unplanned living is the surest way to kill time.

Those individuals who plan beforehand, seldom fail. They are able to start their work on time and are able to complete it in time. Having worked out every minute of the allotted time, they do not hurry. Planning and proper implementation of that always brings in success. Those who plan their living and activities seldom face heartaches, mental tensions and worries. A careful glance into the life history of successful men and women all over the world will reveal the basic truth that success is the outcome of planned utilisation of time.

Therefore, if we want to succeed in life we ought to chalk out what we are going to do with the minutes, hours, days, months and years at our disposal. This is the first step to success. Secondly, work must never be postponed; tomorrow’ may never materialise. We can only be sure of the present’ which in our hands. Postponement and laziness are the ropes which strangle time. Thus, time can create us or destroy us. It all depends on how we utilise time.
