Saturday, March 21, 2015

Short essay on village life in India


India is basically an agricultural country and therefore its maximum population lives in villages. Indian villages are generally cut off from the cities and towns and we notice a completely different life there the charms of nature an "of life can be fully enjoyed in the villages because they (villages) are far from the hustle and bustle and worry of the city life. It is in these villages that our country's most basic business agriculture takes place.

The villagers lead a very simple life. Living in the midst of natural surrounding they enjoy the beauty of the sun rising and sun setting and feel soothing effect of the sweet-breeze of day dawn. Cattle lowing, birds singing, the flowing of the rivers, the greenery of the fields all adds charm to the surrounding.

In villages we find purity of everything. There is no smoke, no pollution, and no noise. A wonderful peace can be felt as soon as we enter the village. Fresh air, which we never find while living in cities, is abundantly available to the villagers. Perhaps therefore they are so happy and healthy. They eat simple food in which pure ghee and milk are dominant.

Most of the people who live in villages are farmers who till the soil and supply the needs of the other villagers like priests, carpenters, blacksmiths, barbers, weavers, potters, sweepers, etc. Spinning and weaving are one of the most important cottage industries of a village.

They serve to provide farmers with an additional income. Besides this, some people keep shops and provide the necessities of life of the villages. Thus, we find mutual cooperation and understanding among the villagers. Far from the complexities of the city life, these villages maintain a unique bond of love and affection. Their life is so simple and plain that they never go against humanity.

The villagers are deeply religious and worship several gods and goddesses. They are highly orthodox and superstitious. They like to follow the established rules throughout their life and never welcome any change in it.

In the cities, people hardly care for their neighbours. But m villages, we notice a strong social sense everywhere. The guest of one is considered the guest of all. There is interdependence among all the villagers and therefore they share the joys and sorrows of each other. They have faith in vasudhaiva kutumbkum, which is the essence of Indian culture.

This is the one side of the village life, which seems to be very tempting. But the other side is full of drawbacks. The villagers are still struggling with poverty. They don't have proper

Uses to live in they are ill-fed and their children are the victims of malnutrition. Most the villagers are illiterate and therefore they look least bothered for their children's education. They are so poor that they are bound to live in extremely unhygienic conditions. Most of the villagers lack proper arrangement for treatment of the sick. As a result whenever infectious diseases break out, thousands of villagers die in absence of medical aid.

However, many positve changes have taken place in our villages and we can hope for the better in the years to come.


Author & Editor

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