Saturday, June 18, 2016

Female Foeticide Essay


Female foeticide is the elimination of girl child after sex determination test from the womb. Girl child is killed before birth just to fulfill the wishes of old members in the family of getting boy baby first. All the process gone under familial pressure especially by husband or in-laws. General reason behind abortion becomes unplanned pregnancy however female foeticide becomes planned by the families. It is the age old practice to kill ever unwanted girl child in the Indian society.

People believe that boys are the key to continue their family lineage however they do not understand the most simple thing that girls are reasons to give birth to new entity in the world not boys.

Reasons of Female Foeticide

Female foeticide is an unethical act has been practiced from old age due to some cultural norms and socio-economic policies. Following are the reasons of female foeticide in the Indian society:

  • The important reason of female foeticide is the preference of male child over girl child because son is the main source of income however girls are consumer. There is a misconception in the society that boys are always look after their parents however girls are to left them away.

  • Old custom of dowry system in India has put a big challenge before parents which is the main reason to avoid girl child by the parents.

  • Low status of women in the male dominated Indian society.

  • Parents consider that boys would carry their name ahead in the society however girls are only to handle households.

  • Legalization of abortion in India is another big reason for the illegal sex determination and termination of girl baby.

  • Technological advancement in the health sector has given fire to the female foeticide.

Effective Measures to Control:

As we all know that female foeticide is a crime and social disaster for the future of women. We should notice the reasons for female foeticide in the Indian society and try to solve one by one on regular basis. Female infanticide or female feticide is mainly because of the sex determination. There should be legal stoppage to get control over it. All the laws should be strictly followed by the every citizens of India. And one should be surely punished if found guilty for this cruel practice. Permanent termination of license should be done if found practicing this. Marketing of medical equipments especially for illegal sex determination and abortion should be stopped. Parents should be penalized who want to kill their girl baby. Campaigns and seminars should be regularly organized to aware young couples. Women should be empowered so that they can be more attentive to their rights.


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